{menu plan& a 'catch up'}

Is everybody enjoying the fall? Or is it just winter already for some of you?
Here the sun has been beaming down us for the last few days, we had some good rain which (finally) refreshed this allergen and smog infested air! It feels good to breath fresh air again :) or whatever!!! My pansies are blooming away, I was scared when I planted them that it would be too hot yet, but I was told to keep them well watered and they would be fine. and fine they are! Almost doubled in size since I planted them a few weeks ago!
  My work, selling calorie and carb loaded foods to the hundreds, is fun! I do get very tired of rising at 6am every single day, but then the pay cheque every 2 weeks makes it worth it! (and the freedom to 'blow' a bit of money *wink*)  It (the carb and calorie loaded food) also is taking its toll on my hips. They are loving every single little cookie I snitch, every 'Salted Caramel Mocha' I make to sip my self. O they are thriving let me tell you!!! and it must.and it WILL stop. It has to. It really really does.
 So onto to productive things here is my menu plan for this week...

MONDAY-  Skillet Chicken & Cheese Enchiladas, lettuce salad
TUESDAY  - Chili, corn bread, carrots
FRIDAY  Honey Lemon Chicken with Mashed Potatos and gravy (I KNOW again, right!?we ♥'d it!!)
SATURDAY left overs or go out. (its a looong day of work for me so I dislike cooking on this day!!!)

There you go..In all its plain-ness. Our menu. Remember, any of the recipes you want? Leave me a comment and I'll either e-mail it to you or post it on here!!!
Do you enjoy when I post these plans? Let me know how many of you actually get ideas from it!!! I'd love to know :)



  1. You always make me hungry with these- meanie- and yes, I've gotten ideas and used at least one recipe. If nothing else, it makes me want to make my own weekly menu.

    Happy fall! It snowed an hour east of us yesterday but we're planning on lots of warm days yet. I've been gleefully wearing tights and sweaters for weeks- one of the fun parts of this season.

  2. Just had our first major frost a couple of nights ago and some flowers were beautiful until then. Now it is looking rather drab and brown out there.

    You have great menu ideas! I admire your thinking ahead in meal planning.
    Keep it up! and enjoy the cookies and mocha. I expect you run the calories off while working.
    Have a good week!

  3. Love your ideas, Jennieee!! All those carby/high calorie foods!!!! At least we can truthfully say the food is good where we work!!

  4. wanderer- You would LOVE your own menu. It only takes me 5 minutes to plan one up and as you already know. I love it:)
    GramaK- I wish I was running while working:) I do a LOT of just plain standing!!But I really do love it:)
    Yes, auntiee- it is good food!!! :)

  5. Ok, one of these days I will try to make Honey Lemon Chicken!! Sounds yum! :) xoxo

  6. yes jenn your menus inspire me to do my own menu plans... thanks for your ideas too, i love them


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