Just say Jesus
I'm not really sure what to title this. It should probably be titled- Vulnerable alert!!! But, Preaching to the choir, Christmas Self Help, Getting through life while grieving or sad, Life tips for when it's hard, could all work too. I am not trained to help people through hard times. but goodness me do I love helping people and encouraging them. Sometimes the best way you can help me (and others) is by being vulnerable and open about your pain and hurts and joys.
Last week I had a friend message me and ask me - What is the go-to verse you fall back on or encouragement when life is just hard?
It kind of took me by surprise and to be honest I felt really honoured she would even ask me. I didn't have to think very long about a response. He who promised is faithful. ( Hebrews 10:23) That verse has literally carried me through countless trials. Money, bad pregnancy sicknesses, depression, anxiety, watching my mom bravely fight cancer for years, moving a couple thousand miles away from anyone I knew (when I got married) there's more but I'll spare you the details. you guys, He is faithful. but also, if not, He is still good. This verse is heavily paraphrased but comes from the story in the bible when the 3 men were thrown into the fire, because of their faith, and they said speaking to King Nebuchadnezzar 'if the God we serve exists then He can rescue us from this blazing fire, but even if He does not rescue us, we want you to know that we still will not serve you. Daniel 3:17. Spoiler alert- the 3 men came out of the fire with not even one hair singed on their head. God is still good: even if the bad thing happens, even if your prayer isn't answered, even if _____. Choose to believe that and don't sway. I really feel and believe this but I also feel so vulnerable putting that out there because it seems like an open invitation to be threatened by the devil.
Some more words I have written that hang by my kitchen sink are, God will make a way when there seems to be no way. I can not tell you how many times I have spoken those words to my anxiety-ridden mind and heart. Things have looked ridiculously impossible to me over the past 4 years especially, but somehow whispering those words over and over and over has calmed my racing mind. It may not be easy but there will be a way. Speak that over your brain until your heart starts to believe it. There is a song I am just thinking of right now. Just say, Jesus. When you don't know what to say, just say Jesus. ( Just Say Jesus by 7th Time Down).
Satan will do everything in his power to make you believe you are the only person in the entire world experiencing pain. But I am the only person, right? Nobody else around feels heartbroken. Nobody else is out buying groceries while also trying to reign in a panic attack, or cover up a flood of tears because the milk expiration date is the date of your dead mom's birthday. Everyone is smiling and happy at that wedding you are attending, nobody there is also feeling shattered that their dad couldn't walk them down the aisle or ______. Every person who you see cheerfully buying Christmas gifts, surely none of them just wish they could fast forward to February because memories of things they don't want to remember haunt them every December. Right? Every single person has a story that will likely break your heart. Sometimes it's really hard to believe that though, and that's okay. It's easy to look on and feel like literally every human on earth is crazy happy while you feel like you are drowning in despair. Hello, happens to me on the daily nearly. You too? Just say- Jesus. Just say- He is still good. Just say- God will make a way. Pick your own words. Write them down, tape them up everywhere and speak them bravely to your heart.
You are brave, even when you don't feel like you are. Keep going. Keep fighting. Keep holding your head up in between your cry sessions.
Heaven knows I don’t have all the answers, but these are a few things that I go to when I’m feeling low. I felt inspired to write about it. If it helps you, wonderful. If not, that’s okay too. I may add to this yet But for tonight I am going to publish it. Leave me a comment below and tell me your favorite verses or words you say when you need a boost. If life feels too hopeless then just put a heart or message me privately. Hug.
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