{5 years}

5 years ago tonight- 
I was not married, I spent the day hanging out with my friends and James and preparing the hall where our reception was to be held after the wedding... Red roses galore... Simple, basic and classic. It was the style I was going for... My sisters and I laughed and cried and laughed and packed my honey moon bags... I was in love, but I also was an emotional wreck, I cried a LOT.  Poor James... 
 Today- I am a mum. I went to my mums to sleep while she watched my baby. I called in "sick" to work because of a near sleepless night last night. Tessa pooped on my clothes, which also were the receiving end of 3 large pukes of hers. I added rice cereal to her bottle in an attempt to have a more peaceful night tonight. I am going to sleep under a blanket that has puke on it. I am too tired to care. 
 There are 4 things these two days have in common- 
I cried a lot on both of them.
The snow is almost melted.
I am still in love with him.



  1. Well hello! It is wonderful to hear from you again. Congratulations on the new little! :)

  2. I was glad to hear from you too! And yes... a new baby is exhausting! But we wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, would we????

  3. Yes! It IS wonderful to hear from you again! And yes, congratulations! Glad you are close to Grandma for days like this :)


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