{little things}

it wasn't a good day- this certain day.
it was full of frustration, tears, anxiousness.
much, much anxiousness.

'Casting all your care upon Him'
wasn't even convincing...

the 'old folks' did their cheery magic for the few hours i was there.
the house was still dirty when i got home.
like old broccoli smelly.
{where does that smell come from}
oh, right- the fridge,
maybe i should clean it out
once in a while...
dirty clothes, spread thick on the edges of
the bedroom floor
and the bathroom-
lets not go there.

the fabric arrived for the dress
that is to be worn in 3 weeks.
totally un-ready. 
when it was supposed to have went to the seamstress it got sent back to me.
and. i do not sew.
well, barely.

april 15 was creeping closer.
and the book work 
was lagging.
tax season is upon us.

the kitchen.
yes, 3 maybe 4 days of dishes piled high
on the yellow counter tops.
crusty and dry.

and my head was in over load mode.

the Etsy store.
the orders felt astounding.
i couldn't do it all.

and the very thought of 
making green bean casserole for 28 people the next day 
sent me into near heart failure.

every corner of my house was yelling at me.
and i had to leave. get out- so
i left a note and i walked out of my house.
the note said.

' i will be back in 3 or 4 or 5

thats all. just enough to give 
a man a freak attack when he walks in and sees it
resting on the washer where i left it.

with in 30 minutes i got a message saying.
' ... but if you're not here, i can't help you figure 
it out.'

so i came home to open arms, many more tears, and big hugs.
and promises of help. and a nap.

and one friend said- let me sew that dress.
and one friend said- i will help you clean your house.
and James painted those signs.
( we shut down the store - for now.)

and then i realized that maybe i hadn't finished that verse. 
it ends with a statement.

... for he careth for you.
and He knows how many hairs are in our head, 
and he even notices when one falls out.

and He does. He careth for me. you. us. them.
and he knows every little detail.

What do you do when you feel completely and terrifyingly
overwhelmed? I need some ideas...

Right now, I am taking every single sweet day, one at a time.
trying i should say.
its not easy.
but i have concluded that the dishes 
won't run away...


  1. This situation sounds all too familiar..and I'm always sure I'm the only one on earth who gets 3-day dirty dish pile ups! Your reaction sounds similar to mine:( I wish you much courage...

  2. One of the (many) times when I was in the 'overwhelmed' situation the verse that came to me was "my yoke is easy, my burden is light". The Still Small Voice seemed to be saying to me the burden I was choosing to carry was not the burden He had asked me to carry. I was taking on waaayy more of a situation that He asked of me.

    You are so wise to ask for help, to quit (for now) things that become seemingly impossible.

    Yes, and one sweet day at a time!

    and yes, dishes seem to be there no matter that!!!

    It will get better Jenn!

    1. i love what you said. about carrying too much of not what He says we need to. very true. thank-you♥

  3. Thank you very very much for writing this Jenn.

  4. oh dear... the house... the orders waiting... other responsibilities clamoring for top priority in my mind... mental overload... i so totally can understand!!! and yet "somehow" we make it through! "with God all things are possible!"

  5. you just made me cry... again... wish we could help eachother. xoxo

  6. thanks Jenn. It takes lotsa humbling to ask for help but wow, it's a blessing.
    I blame myself then when all these things pile up, 'oh i shouldn't have done 'this' cuz i really wouldn't have HAD to.' wutever. not sure where to leave that either. wanna do things, go places, be everywhere we are asked to go and do most things:) ha we are asked to do. but how thin is our brain anyway?
    grama K up there your posting was nice :)

  7. Oh. My. I could have so written this about my last week!!! I cried. and prayed. and cried more alligator tears and wished to go find a cave and sleep and never come out to face real life. But then, my mom and sis came and helped me clean for an hour, I slept until 10:30 on Saturday morn, and hubby said he would help me more! eventually the sun shone again. :) Love and best wishes to you! Thanks for writing about your struggle with this terrifying overwhelmingness! I think we all are far more the same than we realize!

  8. Love this post...I need to run from responsibilities sometimes too so it's good to hear you do it too.


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