{menu plan & a recipe!!}

Yep. I learned my lesson well last week. I was not going into another week unprepared.So- I sat down this morning and came up with this plan, toodled off to Target in my lil Honda-bomb grabbed a 'short-sea-salt-caramel-mocha'(without the sea salt due to bad ears on my barista) and bought me some grocery items!!!

Hear Ye!!

MONDAY- Suzy's Quicky Honey Lemony Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & gravy (made with the run off from the chicken :) ) some veggies of some sort.
TUESDAY- Grilled Pork Steaks, roasted potatoes, corn
WEDNESDAY- Grilled cheese sandwiches & applesauce (or maaaybe tacos lol)
THURSDAY- Cheesy Beef Enchiladas, corn, rice of some sort
FRIDAY- Romano Macaroni Grill Chicken Alfredo with Linguine (in a box) YUMMMY!
SATURDAY- left overs...
SUNDAY- hmm. I am very open to YOUR suggestions :) please?

Ok now for the recipe-


Cut 2-3 chicken breasts (depending on size of family and the chicken breast itself you may need to adjust
this part! or whatever !!) into strips and roll in flour. Place in a baking dish.

MIX- 1/2 cup honey
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/4 cup butter/margarine
Bring to a boil, pour over chicken. Cover dish with tin-foil and bake at 350 for 1 hour. Uncover for the last 20 minutes.Enjoy!!! Compliments of my sis,an outstanding cook!!!- Suz  ♥

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Toodles... ♥


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